
What is HUB?

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  • What is HUB?


The Innovategy Hub is a pilot initiative by Innovategy Oy, designed to evaluate the effectiveness of incorporating youth (9-15 years old) voices in shaping the strategies of organizations and business leaders. Our workshops provide a unique opportunity for young minds to engage with real-world challenges and contribute their fresh perspectives in a structured, supportive environment.

Explore the Hub: Participants navigate and review listings of various organizations on

Opinion Recording: Using our specially built mobile application, youth record their opinions and suggestions regarding the organizations' activities and initiatives.

Safe Use of AI: 50% of participants will be given access to a supervised AI tool that has several starting prompts for exploring the listed entries on before they record their opinion.

Privacy and Data Protection
No personal identifiable information is collected during this process. The privacy and safety of our youth participants are protected with the highest priority. All activities are conducted in compliance with data protection regulations, ensuring a secure and supportive environment for young innovators.



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